
进化医学的应用价值——德国柏林夏洛蒂医科大学Prof. Detlev Ganten专访
[2012/1/17 16:16:09]

  Prof. Detlev Ganten,世界健康峰会主席。研究领域:高血压、血压的激素调节、心血管疾病分子遗传学。

  Evolution is about the struggle of the biology of the body with the environment. Evolutionary medicine is not antagonistic to modern day science-based medicine, it is a completely new approach and way of thinking about biology and medicine. Evolutionary medicine is a type of medicine looking at the effects of what we can learn from evolution, what we can learn from the history of our biological setup.  The example I was giving is that if I look at a healthy patient’s blood chemistry and the time course of it, I may be able to see that there is evidence of a certain development.  By looking at development and looking at history it is possible to know more about the dynamics health problems.  Biology and life and health and disease are dynamic, not stationary or static.

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