
[GWICC2012]世界聚焦在预防心血管疾病和脑卒中--WHF主席Sidney Smith专访
[2012/10/12 13:19:10]

  International Circulation: As President of the World Heart Federation, what do you think is the main purpose of hosting the World Heart Federation at Great Wall this year? What topics are you particularly interested in?
  Dr Smith: I think the big topic this year is the new project that we have with the United Nations and the WHO. Around the world, the focus is on non-communicable diseases (NCD) and cardiovascular disease is the leading member of all of the NCDs. We have cardiovascular disease (which is heart disease and stroke), cancer, diabetes and lung disease. The majority of the deaths in the world today are caused by heart disease and stroke. So our major message now at this meeting and this year, is to begin to move forward in preventing heart disease and stroke. The United Nations with the WHO has set a target of a 25% reduction in premature mortality from heart disease and stroke by the year 2025 - 25 by 25. That’s a big job. We think that the cardiologists attending the Great Wall Meeting are exactly the kinds of people we need to begin to work with in partnership. The World Health Federation around the world wants to set in motion programs that will begin to prevent heart disease and stroke.

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