Suzanne Oparil,美国伯明翰亚拉巴马大学医学院内科学教授,JNC8 编委组主席之一,曾任AHA主席,在血管生物和高血压领域成就卓越。
International Circulation: Can you introduce the main aspects of blood pressure variability that you want people to understand?
Prof. Oparil: First of all, blood pressure is not a constant number. It varies from beat to beat as your heart contracts. It varies from minute to minute and hour to hour. It is different in the daytime and at night. And recent studies have shown it varies from clinic visit to clinic visit. The recent data suggest that, in addition to just your average blood pressure, the amount of variability that occurs is a risk factor for cardiovascular events and stroke. This variability is correlated to mean blood pressure, but the statisticians – after correcting for mean blood pressure – say there is risk to be assigned to variability above and beyond mean blood pressure. So, in other words, the more your blood pressure jumps around, the worse off you are. That’s sort of a new concept.
The early studies that showed this is important were very aggressive. They did direct blood pressure measurements, meaning they put a catheter directly into an artery.We do not do that anymore. There was also ambulatory blood pressure monitoring over 24 hours showing that variation in daytime blood pressure is a risk factor, variation in nighttime blood pressure is a risk factor, if the blood pressure does not go down at night, that is another risk factor. That has been known for quite a while. The new information is in the analyses, mostly by the Oxford Group, showing blood pressure variability between visits to the healthcare provider’s office has prognostic significance.
International Circulation: Is it more significant than the variability within one day?
Prof. Oparil: That is what people think.There is a controversy now. The people who study the within-a-day variability say their information is more important. The people who examine visit-to-visit variability say their data are more important. We need not only to continue to test whether this variability has prognostic importance, but also to try to figure out what is causing this variability. Some theories say the variability is connected to the stiffness of blood vessels. As you get older, particularly if you have hypertension or diabetes or a lot of atherosclerosis, your vessels tend to get stiffer and that may contribute to variability. This would involve malfunction of the baroreflex. The dominant baroreflex is in the carotid artery. When the artery is stiff it does not deform properly when blood pressure increases, so it does not sense the blood pressure properly and does not regulate it. Women also tend to have a little more variability than men. Nobody knows what other pathophysiologic mechanisms might be causing the variability. I am working with an epidemiologist to study that issue. At this point, there are not too many clear signals about what causes blood pressure variability.
The causes of blood pressure variability are important, as is the question of whether certain treatments are better than others at dealing with it. It has been shown, in a meta-analysis by investigators in the Oxford Group, that some drug classes reduce variability more than others –specifically the calcium channel blockers, and more specifically amlodipine. Beta-blockers, which have been popular for hypertensive treatment for a long time, seem to make variability a little bit worse, almost the same as placebo. Diuretics are on the good side. They are better than RAS-blockers and certainly better than beta-blockers, though not quite as good as amlodipine in reducing variability. For older people, meaning those over 55 or 60 – and most people who come to the doctor for hypertension are older – most of the newer guidelines, the Japanese national guidelines and the NICE Guidelines from the UK, for example, have suggested either a CCB or a diuretic as first line therapy for older patients with hypertension, or some add RAS blockers also. It is important to remember that most older people with substantial blood pressure elevation require more than one antihypertensive drug anyway, so the fight over which is better to start with maybe a little bit unnecessary.This is why we had the Fixed Combination meeting.