ESC Chairman, Professor Michel Komajda: It is the second time that the ESC delegation has attended the Great Wall Meeting and I would like to thank Professor Hu Dayi and our Chinese colleagues for providing European cardiologists this opportunity. Last year we actually created and started in China a new conceptive program called ‘My ESC’. The purpose of these meetings is to have in depth exchange between national key opinion leaders and European key opinion leaders around ESC guidelines and clinical case discussions together with highlights of our main and subspecialty meetings. Indeed we are doing that in 6-7 different areas (references map) in different geographic locations where we will go in 2011. Once again, it is a please to be here with you in Beijing for the Great Wall Meeting. I would like to remind you that the European Society of Cardiology takes its roots in Europe, but that we now have an international scope. The ESC is made up of 54 different national cardiac societies from Europe and around the Mediterranean Sea and are also very proud to have 34 affiliated cardiac societies, members of our extended cardiac society family, including the Chinese society.
I would like to tell you that a few weeks ago at our annual meeting in Paris we were very happy to have record participation, close to 33,000 delegates. We had never had such a huge participation throughout the society’s history. One matter of pride is the fact that the ESC is becoming more international in terms of participation, in 2005 only 23% of delegates were from outside the ESC’s native jurisdiction, while this year nearly 1 in 3 participants were from outside Europe. We were very proud to organize a number of joint sessions with highly respected societies, including the Chinese Society of Cardiology and the Great Wall Meeting. We hope to see many of you in Munich, Germany next year. The spotlight of our meeting will be ‘From Bench to Bedside’.
ESC主席Michel Komajda教授:这是ESC代表团第二次参加长城会,在这里我要感谢胡大一教授和我们中国的同仁们给我们欧洲的心内科医生提供了这样好的一个参与机会。实际上去年我们已经在中国制定并开始了一项被称为“我的ESC”的新计划。这些会议的目的是让中国心血管领域的主要领导者和欧洲的主要领导者在ESC指南以及在我们其他的主要会议上被关注的临床病例讨论等方面进行深度交流。实际上我们正在2011年我们将会去的不同地理位置的6、7个不同地区进行这项计划。我再次为能和你们一起来北京参加长城会感到荣幸。我希望声明的是,虽然欧洲心脏病学协会根植于欧洲,但是现在我们已经放眼于世界。目前ESC由欧洲和地中海地区54个不同的国家心脏病协会组成,而且我们很骄傲的是还有34个附属的心脏病协会,这些是我们扩大的心脏病协会家族成员,包括中国协会在内。