
[EuroPCR 2011]陈韵岱专访——造影剂肾病的研究
[2011/6/7 16:10:27]

  Could you tell us a bit about yourself, your activities as a cardiologist and your centre?
  I am a professor of Medicine and Cardiology and Director of the Cardiology Division of the Chinese PLA General Hospital. My major clinical and research interest includes diagnosis and therapy of coronary disease, especially in the intervention of coronary disease. As the overall Principal Investigator for multi-centre clinical trials, my clinical research includes prevention and therapy on coronary artery disease in the Beijing region and comparison of different therapies (PCI, CABG, pharmacological) on CAD. In my cathlab, about 2,000 patients receive PCI therapy each year.
  Could you tell us about the prevalence of renal insufficiency in Chinese patients, the subject of your first contribution at the EuroPCR conference?
  The degree of renal impairment is a key risk factor for the development of renal complications for patients undergoing coronary angiography and elective PCI. The prevalence of renal impairment in these patients in China is not well-established. Our study gives, for the first time, a comprehensive estimation of the prevalence of renal impairment of Chinese patients undergoing coronary angiography and elective PCI. The prevalence of mild, moderate and severe renal insufficiency was 40.95%, 7.45% and 0.93%, respectively.
  You have completed a large scale randomised study with results that can be applied in daily practice across the cardiology community. We have much to learn from you, could you tell us something about this study?
  This direct study is the largest prospective randomised, double-blind comparison of the nephrotoxicity between different contrast media in renal risk patients undergoing cardiac catheterisation. This study aimed to compare the nephrotoxicity of low-osmolar, low-viscous iopromide and iso-osmolar, high-viscous iodixanol in Chinese patients with moderate renal dysfunction, who were undergoing coronary angiography or PCI. The study showed that the incidence of CIN is very low in the study patients with stringent hydration. The nephrotoxicity of LOCM iopromide compared to IOCM iodixanol was found not to be statistically different.
  In your institution, where there is a large volume of interventions and angiographies, what is your prevention protocol for contrast-induced nephropathy in routine practice for patients with renal insufficiency?
  In our institution, hydration is the most important prophylactic treatment in order to prevent CIN. All patients with moderate renal impairment should receive the method of prophylactic hydration, administered with 500 ml of 0.9% saline for at least 6 hours before a cardiac catheterisation procedure, followed by 1000 ml of 0.9% saline intravenously from the start of the procedure at 1 –1.5 ml/kg per hour.The patients with severe renal impairment usually need to take dialysis. As for the patientswith mild renal impairment, we usually don’t give them special treatment compared with those with normal renal function.
  在我们的机构中,水化是防止CIN的预防性治疗中最重要的措施。所有中度肾功能损害的患者都应该接受预防性水化,在心导管插入术前给予0.9%生理盐水500ml至少6小时,在手术开始后经静脉0.9%生理盐水1000ml, 操作开始后给予1~1.5ml/kg·h。对于严重肾功能损害的患者通常需要接受血液透析。而对于轻度肾功能损害的患者则与肾功能正常患者一样无需特殊治疗。


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