
医生以身作则 督促患者戒烟
[2010/7/27 13:31:00]

    <International Circulation>: From a cardiologist’s point of view, what are the implications of a patient’s smoking habit?
    Dr Tonstad: I treat people who have risk factors for CVD and those that already have established CVD. For those with the risk factors, smoking affects their HDL-C, platelet aggregability and the risk of thrombosis. For example, if you are treating someone with a lipid disorder, on the one hand you give them a statin, but on the other hand you have to follow them for smoking cessation. For people with established CVD, we see that when they come in with ACS, on average 35 to 40% are smokers. About 80% quit with their ACS, but about half of those start again. This is our problem. When they come into the hospital, they are scared, they have the cardiologist telling them to quit and they do quit. They leave the hospital and go home and they experience stress, depression and anxiety then they start smoking one or two a day. Later on they are smoking 5 to 10 each day and it is imperative that we help them quit.

    <International Circulation>: What advice and suggestions would you have for the current huge population of China that are smokers?
    Dr Tonstad: I think first we need to start with Chinese health professionals. I would like to see physicians have a program that they could use or take the lead in quitting themselves as an example to their patients. It has always been shown that physicians who are themselves smokers do not do as great a job with their patient’s habit. In terms of the population as a whole, the financial cost of smoking can be prohibitory. From the health aspects, we are seeing more and more typically Western diseases in China - CVD and diabetes. Emphasis needs to be made that smoking directly causes CVD and most probably a cause of diabetes.



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