2010年6月18日,挪威.奥斯陆——今天适逢美国高血压学会(ESH)2010年会隆重开幕。大会组委会举行的新闻发布会可谓星光璀璨,ESH理事会的诸多重量级专家莅临现场,共话本届年会的亮点和热点。新闻发布会在ESH 2010年会组委会主席Sverre Kjeldsen教授的讲话中拉开帷幕。
Sverre Kjeldsen教授指出,组委会共收到1,890篇摘要,每篇摘要均由5人专家评审团评阅。年会吸引了来自五大洲、106个国家的参会者到场。本届年会设有119场会议,形式包括壁报展示、早餐会和与其他学会的联合论坛等。另外,大会将举办7场制药厂商的卫星会,有超过33家厂商参与。他指出,本届年会的参会者人数相当壮观。先期注册人数为5,338人,预计实际到会人数将达到6,000人,这也使得ESH成为今年全球规模最大的高血压会议。最后,Sverre Kjeldsen教授讲到,大会为青年研究者参会提供了资助。
欧洲高血压学会主席Krzysztof Narkiewicz教授的发言主要针对睡眠呼吸暂停综合征及其与高血压的关系。他指出,睡眠呼吸暂停综合征并不是所谓的“良性”疾病,实际上此类患者发生高血压和心血管疾病的风险较高,尤其是夜间发生猝死的风险很高。有意思的是,睡眠呼吸暂停综合征患者发生车祸的风险是普通人群的10倍。另外,体重指数大于40 kg/m2的人群中,40%会有睡眠呼吸暂停。Krzysztof Narkiewicz教授强调,总体上来讲,治疗睡眠呼吸暂停的关键在于早期诊断。
Peter Nilsson教授则主要讲了高血压和糖尿病的问题。他指出,绝大多数2型糖尿病患者需要干预高血压。早期血管老化(Early Vascular Ageing ,EVA)是一个新的研究方向。目前有一些证据显示,糖尿病患者存在EVA。ESH理事会的诸位专家带我们提前领略了挪威奥斯陆2010 ESH年会的精彩。
June 18, 2010-6-18
At a press conference held here in Oslo on the first day of the ESH 2010 meeting, many of the key members of the ESH Council presented some of the highlights and important topics from this year’s meeting.
The press conference was opened by Professor Sverre Kjeldsen, Chairman of the Organizing Committee, 20th European Meeting on Hypertension, who pointed out that there are 1890 abstracts, each of which was reviewed by five reviewers. He further noted that there are delegates from 106 countries and 5 continents. The congress will consist of 119 meetings, including abstracts, breakfast meetings, and joint sessions with other societies. In addition, industry is well represented with 7 satellite symposiums and more than 33 exhibitors taking part. The attendance is quite impressive with 5338 pre-registered delegates and attendance is expected to top 6000, which makes ESH the largest hypertension congress in the world this year. Finally, he noted that there were grants provided to young investigators to attend the meeting.
The next speaker, Professor Krzysztof Narkiewicz, President European Society of Hypertension, focused on the problem of sleep apnea and its relationship with hypertension. He pointed out that sleep apnea is not a benign condition and people who suffer from sleep apnea are at high for hypertension and CVD. They are particularly at risk for sudden cardiac death at night. Interestingly, these people are also have 10x the risk of car accidents. Also, 40% of those with a BMI greater than 40 suffer from sleep apnea. Summing up, he stated that early diagnosis is the key in treating this condition. Professor Peter Nilsson followed by focusing on the problem of hypertension and diabetes. He noted that the majority of type 2 diabetes patients require hypertension intervention. One emerging topic that he touched on is EVA (Early Vascular Ageing) and the fact that there is now some evidence to show ongoing EVA in patients with diabetes. These members of the council gave an excellent preview of the excellent content upcoming at ESH 2010 Oslo.
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