
[CIT2010]多排CT在介入治疗中的应用:如何将CT影像信息用于慢性完全闭塞病变介入治疗?——Prof. Kyo专访
[2010/4/12 16:55:00]

<International Circulation>: CCT and CIT are both well known interventional conferences in the Asia-Pacific region. How can we increase cooperation between the two organizations and which fields need more exchange of information?

Prof. Kyo: I will attend CIT and CCT as a group will have a session during the CIT. During my time in Beijing I would like to meet with officials from the CIT meeting to see how we can cooperate further. In the future, we can collaborate on studies and clinical trials. Many Chinese doctors can not come to Japan so I hope that we can collaborate more. However, at the present time there are no specific plans.

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