International Circulation: Can you outline the role of aliskiren in cardio-cerebral vascular and renal protection in high-risk patients with hypertension and what do you see as its prospects in clinical application?
Prof Lindholm: I would say it’s a new drug which needs to prove its role in this field. If it is any better than what is already on the market which is considerably cheaper, I don’t know. It takes a lot of head-to-head comparison. It is tough for a new drug to enter the blood pressure lowering market mainly because we have such good drugs which cost next to nothing. In my country, almost all the drugs cost USD0.10 per tablet and the ARBs will join that group after New Year. To get a new product out is very very difficult and it takes some really solid data to convince agencies like the Swedish Drug Agency that a new drug should be reimbursed. I recommend it.
Prof. Lindholm:阿利吉仑是一种需要在该领域证明其作用的新药,不知其是否会比已上市且价格相当便宜的药物有优势,这需要许多直接比较试验。对于进入降压市场的新药而言情况十分残酷,因为目前已有成本近乎为零的好药。我所在的国家几乎所有药物价格为每片0.10美元,而且ARB类药物2010年起也会如此。推出新产品非常困难,需要一些绝对可靠的数据使诸如瑞典药监局(Swedish Drug Agency)等机构确信这种新药应该获得医疗保险偿付。
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