1 For specified patients such as left main lesion or muti-vessel lesion, there isn’t general agreement in selecting CABG or DES PCI. Could you share your experiences with us in this field?
2 One focus of treatment strategy of coronary bifurcation lesions is to stent one branch or both. What is the optimal strategy of bifurcation lesions in your opinion?
3 In your opinion, which is the best for side branch in patients with coronary bifurcation lesions treated by balloon dilatation than in those treated by stents? And why?
你认为冠脉分叉病变的患者选择边支球囊扩张或支架置入哪个更好? 为什么?
4 Could you share your experience with us in PCI for patient with stenotic ostium lesion of left main coronary artery? How to avoid the stent dislodgement