<International Circulation>: You are one of the principal investigators of the InterStroke study, would you like to introduce this study to our readers ?
Prof. Martin O’Donnell: A central objective of InterStroke is to identify how risk factors of stroke are different. Throughout the world, it appears consistently that hypertension is the most important risk factor for stroke, but there is varying proportions of what the population‘s risk is. Smoking is clearly a very important risk factor and because the prevalence of smoking is different in different parts of the world, it is likely to play a different role. Diabetes and then body mass index (obesity) are also factors. The issue there is that it appears to be different in different parts of the world because the prevalence of it is certainly different. It is different between high income, medium income, and low income countries. Certainly, one of the important things from the objective of InterStroke is that if you are to invest finances into a population based intervention and your resources are finite, then what’s the best bang for your buck in investing in the prevention of stroke and also trying to understand why these risk factors develop in the first place and how these risk factors interact with each other.
Martin O’Donnell教授:InterStroke研究的主要目的是探讨卒中危险因素的地域差别。综合世界各国来看,高血压是卒中最重要的危险因素,但是不同人群的危险不同。吸烟也是一个明确的重要危险因素,因为不同国家和地区吸烟程度有别,所以对卒中的影响也不尽相同。糖尿病和体重指数(肥胖)也如此,这些因素由于各地的差异在不同国家地区中所起的作用也不同,在高收入、中等收入和低收入国家各不相同。在资源有限的情况下,我们实施卒中预防的人群干预时最应当将资金花在何处,这也是InterStroke研究要回答的重要问题。此外,InterStroke研究同时观察了上述危险因素是如何发生的以及危险因素之间的相互作用。