
发展中国家高血压防治新观念——澳大利亚国立大学John Curtin医学院Judith A.Whitworth教授访谈
[2008/1/29 16:00:00]



<International Circulation>: Could you introduce research improvements of treatment in hypertension in recent decades?

Prof. Whitworth: The biggest advance in the last couple of decades, is our understanding that the risk of cardiovascular disease relates to level of blood pressure, and not just an artificial concept called hypertension. Blood pressure is continuous, so the risk with increasing blood pressure is continuous. We don’t just focus on hypertension, we need to focus on the risk produced by elevated blood pressure, even in the normotensive branch. I think it is very important, together with our understanding, that is not enough just to lower blood pressure to prevent cardiovascular disease, but we also need to give our attention to all the other risk factors, like smoking, diabetes, obesity, lipids and so on.

<International Circulation>: How to improve prevention in developing country, such as in China? Can you give us some advices?

Prof. Whitworth:  I think that strategies that have been proved effective are operating in other countries in the world to back up control, through legislation, regulation, education and through processing structures. The reduction of salt intake is really an opportunity for China in which salt intake is high. So the use of salt substitute, instead of regular salt,education about the harm associated with salt intake, and also by working with the food industry to reduce salt in the process of prepared food are things that I think very important to start with . Then I think there are other measures around, preventions of obesity through encouragement for healthy diet, exercise, fresh fruits and vegetables, promotion of exercises through creating urban environment that encouraging exercises rather than the use of vehicle. Those targeted strategy for high risk populations together can be very effective measures in helping prevent and manage high blood pressure risk in reducing the risks of heart attack and stroke.

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