
NESTOR:伴有微蛋白尿的高血压2型糖尿病患者的治疗[Treatment of hypertensive type 2 diabetes patients with microalbuminuria]
[2006/12/15 0:00:00]

Presse Med. 2002 Oct;31 Spec No 2:S21-3. Links Service d"Endocrinologie et de Diabetologie, Hopital Bichat, Paris (75).

PRIMARY OBJECTIVE: The first fundamental study devoted to the reduction of microalbuminuria with a antihypertensive diuretic (indapamide SR) in type 2 diabetes with hypertension, the Marre study (NESTOR) was designed to demonstrate that this antihypertension agent could be an interesting therapeutic alternative by comparing its efficacy on microalbuminuria with that of enalapril 10 mg during a treatment period of 52 weeks.

RESULTS: It was demonstrated that indapamide SR is the only diuretic providing a significant reduction (35%) in the microalbuminuria observed in hypertensive patients with type 2 diabetes. At the endpoint, comparison with the group of patients treated with enalapril, showed no significant difference in fractionated albumin clearance or in the percentage of patients with normoalbuminuria, microalbuminuria or gross proteinuria. Safety and tolerance were comparable for the two treatments.

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